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CSA - Community Supported Agriculture

CSA's are programs where the consumer buys a share at the beginning of each growing season and in return receives an equally valued share of the produce from the farmer. Poseys and Pumkins CSA will be broke down into 4 12 week long growing seasons.

What We Offer

Our CSA will be broken into 4 growing seasons each lasting 12 weeks, (Seasons appear to be 13 weeks but will have one off week to accommodate holidays such as Christmas). During each season you can expect the freshest produce from broccoli carrots, and greens in the cool seasons to tomatoes, peppers, and even melons in the warm seasons. Classic Basket is enough for 1-2 people, Family Basket 2-4 people, Wholesome Family Basket 5-8 people. Please make sure to note season dates. If the current season has already started, please either sign up for the next season or call to see about joining the current season.

Join Our CSA Program

Select Your Basket
Choose Delivery or Pickup
Choose Season

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